Today Marcia Greenwood resides in Southern California and is happily married to her husband Tim. She is the owner and President of Declaration Publishers and the Vice-President and CFO of Tim Greenwood Ministries. She is the author of several published works, both in print and audio CDs. She is an accomplished public speaker as well as an ordained minister, a gifted teacher and powerful preacher.

Marcia and Tim were high school sweethearts in San Antonio Texas. They started to date back in 1966, were high school sweethearts, were married in 1970 and have stuck together ever since.

She was born Marcia Arleen Orth. Her dad and mom were both raised in New York, her mom's family having immigrated from Poland and settling in the Buffalo area. Since Marcia's dad was military, she as a clild lived in several places including Germany.

Marcia and Tim have traveled extensively throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe. Eleven different countries so far. Nearly everywhere she has traveled over the years she has collected pretty tea cups, saucers and tea pots, resulting in quite a large collection. She enjoys going to tea, in the british fashon, and generally seems to like everything victorian.

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